Lonely Planet1 min de lecture
Explore From Home
Discovering the world from home • Mountain heights on film • Virtual museum visits • Late spring cocktail face-off: margarita vs mint julep • Courses, parties, podcasts and workouts for lockdown ■
Lonely Planet1 min de lecture
Dream Of The Mountains
Many mountaineers say Everest is becoming crowded – but it’s unlikely that the year 2020 will add much to the 5,000-or-more tally of people who have climbed to the highest point on Earth. Travel restrictions have halted mountaineers and regular sight
Lonely Planet1 min de lecture
Can’t Go Wildlife-watching? Invite The Animals In
While Serengeti lions and Yellowstone bison might be wondering where all the humans went, a herd/flock/pride/thunder of their animal compatriots stand ready in reduced ceramic form to help you recreate Dr Dolittle’s home environment. The range (from
Lonely Planet1 min de lecture
Visit A Virtual Museum
Online offerings at London’s terracotta temple to nature include skeletal dinosaurs, game-changing scientific discoveries and a tour of the tank room, which is normally open only for specially booked visits (artsandculture. google.com/partner/ natura
Lonely Planet2 min de lectureRegional & Ethnic
Cook At Home
A new book, Cooking in Marfa (£35; Phaidon), celebrates a town that’s an unlikely haven of art and fine dining in the Texas desert – try this recipe for vivid flavours of the US Southwest and Mexico, even if you don’t go as far as grinding your own g
Lonely Planet1 min de lecturePsychology
Lost In Translation
‘Being drunk while just in underwear (literally); having very casual drinks at home or with a friend instead of going out (figuratively)’ ‘A pleasant or excited anticipation of joy to come’ ‘An almost painful longing, for someone or something’ ‘P
Lonely Planet1 min de lecture
Learn Something New
Go to art school Channel complex feelings about the world into creativity, joining artists working in different media for tutorials. Contributors include printmakers, portrait painters, ceramicists and sculptors – plus Sir Quentin Blake (search for
Lonely Planet1 min de lecture
Hold A Cocktail Competition
50 ml tequila (100% agave)20 ml triple sec15 ml freshly squeezedlime juice Add all the ingredients into a shaker with ice. Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Half salt the rim (optional). 60 ml Bourbon whiskey4 fresh mint sprigs1 tsp
Lonely Planet1 min de lecture
Join The Party
Warble along with your friends to a huge catalogue of songs in this virtual karaoke booth (smule.com). Sign up for weekly streamed musical bingo, with songs not numbers to knock off your card, and actual prizes up for grabs (indeedybingo.com). Step i
Lonely Planet2 min de lecture
Bring The Outdoors In
With its rows of little white bells looking demurely down from each stalk, lily of the valley is a beautifully understated sign of spring in full bloom. Just remember that all parts of the plant are highly poisonous if ingested – as fans of the TV se
Lonely Planet1 min de lecture
Spread The World
Follow conversations with people whose lives were quite literally changed by travel, from founding businesses to beginning long-term romances. A weekly interview series about the worldwide travel adventures of special guests such as Poppy Delevigne,
Lonely Planet1 min de lecture
We Can Work It Out
Kids or no kids, start the day with a free home PE class. You’ll be following Instagram fitness phenomenon Joe Wicks and his bouncing locks (youtube.com/user/ thebodycoach1). Studio chain Triyoga now offers daily yoga and pilates video conferences by
Lonely Planet1 min de lecture
TV Tour
New Zealand’s appeal as a film backdrop is proven, whether its landscape is doubling as Middle Earth, Narnia or Skull Island, or starring as itself in the likes of Hunt for the Wilderpeople . It’s in the second category that a six-part BBC series fal
Lonely Planet2 min de lecture
The World In A Box
Where else can you rise to the challenge of managing a sheep station while fending off threats of drought, floods, weeds and rivals for the ownership of the woolliest stud ram? First developed in 1962, Squatter has become the best-selling Australian-
Lonely Planet1 min de lecture
We couldn’t not mention ourselves! Daily inspiration and behind-the-scenes pics from our feature shoots, and regular photo challenges to get involved in @lonelyplanetmag Sharing posts on life on the road in a modified school bus, guaranteed to have
Lonely Planet1 min de lecture
Photo Challenge: home • Sue Perkins on the fascination of Kolkata, and coming late to travel • Snapshot: a dazzling bird • Exploring the unknown… attic • What I’ve learned travelling for wine ■
Lonely Planet2 min de lecture
Photo challenge: Home
This is my great aunt telling her grandson a story at our ancestral home in West Bengal @rand.aperture We were looking for somewhere to live in London and briefly thought about a canal boat @ertugekenler As I was on safari in India’s Kaziranga Na
Lonely Planet5 min de lecture
‘I Will Throw Myself Into Every Experience, I Will Accept Every Dare, I Will Agree To Maddening Offers And Crazy Adventures. Yes.’
Historically, the Perkins tribe were neither explorers, nor adventurers. Dad traced his family tree back 200 years and discovered that all the men had been either labourers or soldiers, and all the women charladies. None of my ancestors got the chanc
Lonely Planet1 min de lecture
Snapshot from India
The Indian Roller is a wondrous creature whose beauty has always mesmerised me. It is the symbol of several states in India. During my early morning safari at Rajaji National Park in Uttarakhand, we saw many interesting birds, and we also came across
Lonely Planet3 min de lecture
In A Small House
I CLASPED THE TORCH TIGHTLY IN MY hand. Before me, a door led into yawning darkness – a void closed to mortals through aeons. It was a scene that brought to mind Howard Carter’s 1922 excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun. Its dimensions and treasures
Lonely Planet2 min de lecture
What I’ve Learned... As A Wine Expert
Wine is not just an alcoholic beverage. It is a product of its culture and tradition, a forum for ideas and a lens through which to view the world. The glass of wine I have at home at the end of the day is an essential daily connection, and a window
Lonely Planet8 min de lecture
Side By Side
The elephant is so close I can hear him chew. His powerful jaws crunch effortlessly through a mouthful of whistling thorn acacia, a tree with the texture of a medieval mace. Another member of the herd is grunting with exertion as she uproots a bush,
Lonely Planet3 min de lecture
• We accept that travel to Kenya is not advised at present, we hope that this information will prove useful again once restrictions are lifted. See p4 for more on our approach. Ordinarily, British Airways and Kenya Airways both fly to Nairobi-Kenyatt
Lonely Planet7 min de lecture
The Wild South
The wind shakes the white manes of the horses, and sends ripples across the flooded fields of rice. Twelve miles away in the city of Arles, the parasols of pavement cafés become unruly. This is the mistral, against which Vincent Van Gogh once had to
Lonely Planet2 min de lecture
• We accept that travel to the Camargue is not advised at present, but hope that this information will prove useful again once restrictions are lifted. See p5 for more on our approach. The two closest airports to the Camargue region are Montpellier-M
Lonely Planet2 min de lectureCooking, Food & Wine
Around The Camargue In 6 Steps
1 Arles has many sights and experiences (arlestourisme. com). As well as the arena and theatre, there are the tunnels of the Cryptoporticus, and other Roman remains including mosaics and a ship at the Musée Départemental Arles Antique (£7; arles-anti
Lonely Planet8 min de lecture
Outer Space
Father Christmas doesn’t set much store by tradition in the town of Saariselkä. It’s August, and his smiling face, hacked out of wood, welcomes people into the town’s supermarket. Two paces inside and there he is again, wielding an axe and lantern, c
Lonely Planet4 min de lecture
Travel to Finland is not advised at present, but we hope this information will still be valid when restrictions are lifted. See p4 for more on our approach. It’s a two-hop journey from Britain, with flights routing to local airport Ivalo via Helsinki
Lonely Planet12 min de lecture
My Happy Place
I’d know the sound of Melbourne anywhere. It’s the electric whine of an approaching tram and the jaunty clanging of its bells. It’s the rattle and hiss of street artists’ spray cans as they paint the walls of a bluestone laneway. It’s the cries of st
Lonely Planet2 min de lectureCooking, Food & Wine
Village People
So little happens in a hurry around Luang Prabang, and that suits me fine. I especially love getting out into the villages that are one to three hours from the city – you can catch a boat to small farming communities that are unreachable by road. Loc
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