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The Love of Art: Klara Kristalova ♡ Women Surrealists

The Love of Art: Klara Kristalova ♡ Women Surrealists

DeL'Amour de l'Art (The Love of Art) - Perrotin

The Love of Art: Klara Kristalova ♡ Women Surrealists

DeL'Amour de l'Art (The Love of Art) - Perrotin

14 minutes
28 mai 2024
Épisode de podcast


Klara Kristalova constructs an odd yet familiar world, inhabited by figures evoking rawness, vulnerability, and humanity. The landscape, though not directly represented, is an essential component of Klara Kristalova’s universe, inferred in fragments from the drawings, ceramics, and bronzes that populate the dark and mysterious exhibitions she has unveiled in recent years.In this episode, she talks about several surrealists’ women. In The Love of Art podcast, artists are invited to speak about other artists that fascinate them (musicians, writers, filmmakers, actors, designers…) in a very personal way. The Love of Art (L'Amour de l'Art) is a podcast by Perrotin The episode with Klara Kristalova was recorded on April 10, 2024 at Perrotin Paris Interview conducted by: Vanessa Clairet Stern Production and sound design: Seb Lascoux Language: English Graphic design: Perrotin Music: CDM MusicHébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
28 mai 2024
Épisode de podcast

Titres dans cette série (15)

Perrotin présente le podcast: L'Amour de l’Art / Perrotin presents The Love of Art podcast. Ici des artistes sont invités à parler d'autres artistes. Musique, littérature, cinéma, arts visuels, théâtre... Ils et elles partagent, de manière très personnelle, leur regard sur ces œuvres qui les fascinent. Cette discussion libre et passionnée nous en apprend davantage sur ces artistes, leur histoire, leur pratique, leur vision du monde. Car l’art appartient à tous et à toutes.  — Here artists talk about other artists. Music, literature, cinema, visual arts, theater... They share, in a very personal way, their view on the works of art that fascinate them. Through this open and dynamic discussion, we can learn more about these artists, their history, their artistic practice, their worldview – because art belongs to everyone.  Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.