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Colloque - Femmes vietnamiennes : créativité et engagement : Moi, témoin et contributrice à un Việt Nam en transition

Colloque - Femmes vietnamiennes : créativité et engagement : Moi, témoin et contributrice à un Việt Nam en transition

DeColloques du Collège de France - Collège de France

Colloque - Femmes vietnamiennes : créativité et engagement : Moi, témoin et contributrice à un Việt Nam en transition

DeColloques du Collège de France - Collège de France

27 minutes
9 juin 2023
Épisode de podcast


Collège de FranceMondes francophones (2022-2023) - Phượng Bùi TrânAnnée 2022-2023Femmes vietnamiennes : pouvoirs, cultures et identités pluriellesColloque - Femmes vietnamiennes : créativité et engagement : Moi, témoin et contributrice à un Việt Nam en transitionI was born in 1960 when a large part of the globe was reviving after the second World War and when the Vietnamese were still proudly holding their heads high in the echoes of the Dien Bien Phu victory. I spent my childhood in the war between Vietnam and the United States and witnessed the end of that longest war of the 20th century, which ended with my country's reunification. I am also a witness to great efforts to realise the socialist ideal not only in Vietnam but in the Soviet Union as well as their transition periods. I could have lived like most people of my generation—the transitional generation. I can stay as a government official with a life-time employment. But I chose another path. I left the state institution to start an NGO, institution that has to, in the context of Viet Nam, constantly struggle for its legitimacy and voice. I could have peacefully lived the life of a woman who adhered to traditional values, but I have become a feminist, fighting for women's rights and gender equality. My life has not been easy, but it is an exciting and meaningful life. I can proudly say that it has been a journey of constant commitments and creativity.Khuất Thu HồngKhuất Thu Hồng is the Founder and Director of the Institute for Social Development Studies (ISDS), an independent research organisation in Hanoi, Vietnam. She got her BA in Psychology in 1984 and earned her PhD in Sociology in 1997. Hong works on gender, sexuality, and social inclusion of vulnerable populations. Hong is also a social activist and advocate for gender equality and social inclusion. She is a regular guest on national and international televisions and radios and is often interviewed by newspapers on gender and social development issues in Viet Nam.
9 juin 2023
Épisode de podcast

Titres dans cette série (100)

Colloques interdisciplinaires du Collège de FranceÉvénements de la vie scientifique de l'établissement, les colloques, dont le programme comprend à la fois des professeurs du Collège de France et des conférenciers invités, traite de thèmes aux nombreuses ramifications, dont les enjeux contemporains gagnent à être analysés au prisme des disciplines et des champs du savoir.