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#53 Introduction to Climate Justice by Yang Hong and Richard Kim

#53 Introduction to Climate Justice by Yang Hong and Richard Kim


#53 Introduction to Climate Justice by Yang Hong and Richard Kim


64 minutes
13 juil. 2021
Épisode de podcast


In this podcast, we talk and learn about Climate Justice with Richard Kim and Yang Hong from the community Work on Climate

Some of the topics we’ll be discussing include:
- The “Work on Climate” community and its goal
- The guide “Climate Justice 101” and the reasons for creating it
- The different definitions of climate justice
- The risk that technology perpetuates climate injustice
- Intersectional environmentalism as an imperative to the fight against climate change
- What we can do to integrate climate justice into our projects
- Data justice and equity


* [Climate Justice Guide 101](http://bit.ly/CJ-101)
* [Work on Climate Starter Packs](https://www.notion.so/workonclimate/Starter-Packs-Community-curated-resources-52547bba557e4544bacc299d3a077795)
* H. Moore & J.K. Russell, [Organizing Cools the Planet](https://climateaccess.org/system/files/Moore%20and%20Russell_Organizing%20Cools%20the%20Planet.pdf)
* [BlocPower](http://blocpower.io/)
* [GreenWave](https://www.greenwave.org/)
* [Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson](https://www.ayanaelizabeth.com/), "[How to Save a Planet](https://gimletmedia.com/shows/howtosaveaplanet/)"
* [WeACT](https://www.weact.org/)

On positionality and climate justice as a personal practice in community:

* [On positionality](https://www.arteachingcollective.com/positionality.html)
* [Bad Activist Collective](https://www.badactivistcollective.com/)
* "[My Role in a Social Change Ecosystem](https://dviyer.medium.com/my-role-in-a-social-change-ecosystem-a-mid-year-check-in-1d852589cdb1)" by [Deepa Iyer](http://deepaiyer.com/)
* "[Pod Mapping](https://batjc.wordpress.com/resources/pods-and-pod-mapping-worksheet/)" for accountability by [Mia Mingus](https://leavingevidence.wordpress.com/about-2/)
* "[Everything worthwhile is done with other people](https://adimagazine.com/articles/mariame-kaba-everything-worthwhile-is-done-with-other-people/)" -- [Mariame Kaba](https://forthewild.world/listen/mariame-kaba-on-moving-past-punishment-151)
* A few climate communities with members from tech: [Work On Climate](https://workonclimate.org/), [Climate Action Tech](https://climateaction.tech/), [Terra.do](http://terra.do/)
* Daily practice: [Anti-Racism Daily](https://www.antiracismdaily.com/), "[Practical Decolonization: How to live it daily](https://everydayfeminism.com/practical-decolonization/)" workshop

On data (in)justice and the dangers of uncritical tech and data in climate:

* [Data Harm Record](https://datajusticelab.org/data-harm-record/) of harms from data and algorithms from the [Data Justice Lab](https://datajusticelab.org/)
* "[False solutions](https://media.wix.com/ugd/75b7f5_2c41011de1a84177ad9aaf477db50566.pdf)" to climate change ([here's a short sample](http://jtalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/False-Solutions.pdf))
* [Data Capitalism](https://datacapitalism.d4bl.org/) interactive from Data 4 Black Lives
* “[Decolonizing Methodologies: 20 Years On](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSX_4FnqXwQ)” annual lecture by [Professor Linda Tuhiwai Smith](https://www.waikato.ac.nz/maori/linda-tuhiwai-smith)

On the importance of intersectional climate justice:

* [Intersectional Environmentalism](https://www.intersectionalenvironmentalist.com/) by [Leah Thomas](https://www.greengirlleah.com/)
* [Who Killed Berta Cáceres?](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/02/who-killed-berta-caceres-behind-the-brutal-of-an-environment-crusader)
* "[Indigenous sovereignty could save the planet](https://truthout.org/articles/un-report-says-indigenous-sovereignty-could-save-the-planet/)"

Principles aligning across movements:

* [A Just Transition Framework](https://climatejusticealliance.org/just-transition/) from the [Climate Justice Alliance](https://climatejusticealliance.org/)
* [Design Justice Principles](https://designjustice.org/read-the-principles) (en [français](https://designjustice.org/french))
13 juil. 2021
Épisode de podcast

Titres dans cette série (91)

Le podcast qui tente de lier tech et écologie alors que tout les oppose. Podcast de la sélection Imago et animé par les coopérateurs et amis de Fairness. Publié sous licence Creative Commons.