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#48 Sustainable IT: Natalie Hollier views on product teams, cloud and IT for Green

#48 Sustainable IT: Natalie Hollier views on product teams, cloud and IT for Green


#48 Sustainable IT: Natalie Hollier views on product teams, cloud and IT for Green


45 minutes
13 avr. 2021
Épisode de podcast


Natalie has been working in Digital Sustainability for a few years at ThoughtWorks, and recently joined Microsoft to work on Sustainability Product Innovation.

In this podcast we learn about her career path in Product Development and Sustainability, and she talks about different strategies for Digital Sustainability.

Natalie has worked with teams moving to the Cloud. She talks about how the Cloud can help reduce the environmental impact of IT but customers need to be able to measure and track their digital footprint too.

As a Product Manager, she shares examples for how to design and measure products for Sustainability, and not only rely on offsetting emissions.

She talks about how IT solutions can help companies become greener across many industries, but we also need to balance the growing environmental footprint of IT particularly with AI/ML and blockchain.

Finally, she talks about her new role at Microsoft.

You can follow her at https://twitter.com/nataliehollier or https://www.nataliehollier.com/
She follows the community Climate Action Tech: https://climateaction.tech/
Her talk in May : https://www.womenincleantechsustainability.org/wcs-talks/part-3/
Her book list:
- Designing for Sustainability - Tim Frick -https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/designing-for-sustainability/9781491935767/
- Cradle to Cradle - William McDonough & Michael Braungart - http://www.cradletocradle.com/
- Green Giants - E. Freya Williams - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23875817-green-giants
- Drawdown - https://www.drawdown.org/the-book
- Tools and Weapons - Brad Smith and Carol Ann Browne - https://news.microsoft.com/on-the-issues/tools-and-weapons/
- How to avoid a climate disaster - Bill Gates -https://www.gatesnotes.com/Energy/My-new-climate-book-is-finally-here
- World Wild Waste - Gerry McGovern - https://gerrymcgovern.com/books/world-wide-waste/
13 avr. 2021
Épisode de podcast

Titres dans cette série (89)

Le podcast qui tente de lier tech et écologie alors que tout les oppose. Podcast de la sélection Imago et animé par les coopérateurs et amis de Fairness. Publié sous licence Creative Commons.