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#128 Whitney Hawkings (Flowerbx) - What I wanna do is to create the Magic (??)

#128 Whitney Hawkings (Flowerbx) - What I wanna do is to create the Magic (??)

DeTheBoldWay (ex EDLM)

#128 Whitney Hawkings (Flowerbx) - What I wanna do is to create the Magic (??)

DeTheBoldWay (ex EDLM)

58 minutes
10 déc. 2019
Épisode de podcast


Whitney Bromberg Hawkings comes from Dallas, at the age of 12 she comes to Paris for the first time and promises herself that she will come back to live there! Thus, after her studies of French literature in the United States, she returned to France to work in fashion. As she was about to return home, desperate not to find a job, fate rang at her door! She receives this call informing her that Tom Ford of Gucci was looking for an assistant. She gets the job and her dream comes true, she is in Paris and works in fashion!During this time when Tom Ford is his mentor, he teaches him the importance of working hard, managing a brand's image, recognizing the right people to keep around and how to make them grow.It was also during this period that she discovered and learned that flowers played a crucial role in the world of fashion, that they were "part of her language". She has always loved the quality and beauty that it adds to life.So, while she has a perfect life, after 20 years with Tom, she feels the moment to have a change of life. She has this idea of Flowerbx. A company that allows you to deliver original bouquets of flowers easily and quickly. Its bouquets are fresh, chic, simple, consistent, of high quality... She follows the intuition of her "TEN YEARS PLAN" and launches her brand in London! Two years later, Whitney delivers the greatest houses; Chanel, Dior, Vuitton... and has the ambition to conquer the world! "What I wanna do is to create the Magic"In this episode we also talk about the importance of having a storytelling for our customers, the biggest challenge that is that of the team, the reaction to the departure of an employee...What you will learn in this episode: * The importance of thinking international from the beginning * Information on the flower market * Develop "10 years plans".* The importance of working hard * The orchestration of the launch * The importance of storytelling * The importance of having a supportive family* The challenge of team building * The importance of identifying your weaknesses* Use the company's philosophy and values to recruit * The choice of a 0 plastic packaging  Receive all episodes in your mailbox using this link: http://eepurl.com/ggK0A1Don't forget to share it, grade it, and leave a nice note, it helps me to make the podcast known to more people and motivates me to make better episodes!Enjoy ? 
10 déc. 2019
Épisode de podcast

Titres dans cette série (100)

Bienvenue sur Entreprendre dans la mode, le podcast des entrepreneurs et des acteurs de la mode. Je m'appelle Adrien Garcia, je suis designer et co-fondateur de RÉUNI et chaque semaine, je vais à la rencontre, des femmes et des hommes qui font la mode. Qu'ils soient créateurs, entrepreneurs, retailers, institutionnels, journalistes, attachés de presse, investisseurs ou influenceurs, je les interview pour comprendre leur parcours, leurs problématiques et leurs stratégies pour innover et se développer. Avec ce podcast je souhaite recueillir et partager des conseils pratiques et des idées neuves pour se lancer et réussir dans la mode. Mon ambition c'est qu' ensembles, acteurs de cette industrie, passionnés de créations, de mode, de beauté et d'entrepreneuriat, nous nous nourrissions de l’intelligence et de l’énergie extraordinaires des interviewés. C’est aussi le meilleur prétexte que j'ai trouvé pour rencontrer mes héros, alimenter ma curiosité et continuer d'apprendre. Le podcast est disponible sur toutes les plateformes, alors pensez à vous abonner. Bonne écoute!