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[EN] Paul Smith | Recipe for 50 Years of Longevity in The Business : Take a breath and stay grounded.

[EN] Paul Smith | Recipe for 50 Years of Longevity in The Business : Take a breath and stay grounded.

DeTheBoldWay (ex EDLM)

[EN] Paul Smith | Recipe for 50 Years of Longevity in The Business : Take a breath and stay grounded.

DeTheBoldWay (ex EDLM)

58 minutes
21 nov. 2023
Épisode de podcast


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I find myself in London today to meet Sir Paul Smith, the renowned British fashion designer. Paul enthusiastically and proudly shares his journey, from his beginnings as a cycling enthusiast to the creation of his iconic clothing brand. He also discusses his approach to creativity, sustainability, and managing a business while staying true to his principles. Paul emphasizes the importance of being open-minded, humble, and cultivating curiosity to remain inspired and innovative.
During the interview, Paul unveils his life philosophy, highlighting the idea that each day is a new beginning and underscoring the importance of staying grounded while remaining open to the ideas and opinions of others. He also shares anecdotes about the unexpected popularity of his creations, such as the stripes he introduced by chance, and emphasizes the importance of staying true to one's principles while remaining approachable and friendly. This episode is a tribute to wisdom and success; it has been more than beneficial for me, so I hope it will be for you too!

Key Learnings of the episode : 

Sir Paul Smith's Background
Paul Smith's Passion for Cycling
Paul Smith's Business Beginnings
Convincing people through the decades 
Paul Smith's Longevity in the Industry
Overcoming Challenges in Fashion
The Beginning of Paul Smith's Shows
Adapting to Changes in the Fashion Industry
Sustainability in Paul Smith's Production
If he had to start all over again
Paul Smith's Approach to Managing People
Who he would like to hear in this podcast

Patti Smith : American singer, songwriter, poet, painter, and author who became an influential component of the New York City punk rock movement.
Pablo Picasso : Famous spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist and theatre designer
Edward De Bono : A Maltese physician, psychologist, author, inventor and broadcaster/
Caravaggio : An Italian painter active in Rome for most of his artistic life.
Eugène Delacroix : A French Romantic artist regarded from the outset of his career as the leader of the French Romantic school.
Marcel Proust : A French novelist, literary critic, and essayist

Covent Garden : A district in London 
Notting Hill : A district in London known for being a cosmopolitan and multicultural neighbourhood

Brexit : Withdrawal process of the United Kingdom from the European Union

Kenzo : French luxury fashion house founded in 1970 by Japanese designer Kenzo Takada.
Première Vision : French company created for fashion professionals and business.

Nb: TheBoldWay ou The Bold Way, anciennement connu sous le nom de Entreprendre dans la mode ou EDLM , est un podcast produit et réalisé par Adrien Garcia.   
21 nov. 2023
Épisode de podcast

Titres dans cette série (100)

Bienvenue sur Entreprendre dans la mode, le podcast des entrepreneurs et des acteurs de la mode. Je m'appelle Adrien Garcia, je suis designer et co-fondateur de RÉUNI et chaque semaine, je vais à la rencontre, des femmes et des hommes qui font la mode. Qu'ils soient créateurs, entrepreneurs, retailers, institutionnels, journalistes, attachés de presse, investisseurs ou influenceurs, je les interview pour comprendre leur parcours, leurs problématiques et leurs stratégies pour innover et se développer. Avec ce podcast je souhaite recueillir et partager des conseils pratiques et des idées neuves pour se lancer et réussir dans la mode. Mon ambition c'est qu' ensembles, acteurs de cette industrie, passionnés de créations, de mode, de beauté et d'entrepreneuriat, nous nous nourrissions de l’intelligence et de l’énergie extraordinaires des interviewés. C’est aussi le meilleur prétexte que j'ai trouvé pour rencontrer mes héros, alimenter ma curiosité et continuer d'apprendre. Le podcast est disponible sur toutes les plateformes, alors pensez à vous abonner. Bonne écoute!