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#81 Patrik Ervell (Vince)

#81 Patrik Ervell (Vince)

DeTheBoldWay (ex EDLM)

#81 Patrik Ervell (Vince)

DeTheBoldWay (ex EDLM)

35 minutes
11 avr. 2019
Épisode de podcast


Je partage chaque vendredi dans ma newsletter des actus, des outils, des process et des stratégies pour vous aider à monter votre marque. Inscrivez-vous sur www.entreprendredanslamode.comThis week we are meeting with Patrik Ervell is is the Vice President of Men's Design at Vince. In this episode we are coming back on his pathway from his childhood, studies at Berkley, his experience at V magazine, the launch of his brand and his arrival at VINCE. It was a pleasure to interview Patrik, I hope you will enjoy the conversation.Musiques : Théo DarcelTO FIGURE OUR WHERE YOU ARE IN THE EPISODE 00:50 Present himself and and come back on his pathway, was it an obsession to start a brand, from Berkley university to fashion design 06:00 how he get the job at V magazine, how he got fired,  how he started his brand and sold at Opening Ceremony10:00 The mile stones of his brand Patrik Ervell, his creative process 15:30 How did he learn fashion business, what would he do differently 19:00 How did the VINCE collaboration started, what did he started with22:00 Where does VINCE come from, a quick history of the brand 24:00 What is VINCE vision 25:40 How does he nourish himself 28:00 What is his point of view on the menswear right now 30:00 What should the most sustainable brand should looks like 32:00 What drives him, how does he reinvent himselfKEALEARNINGS I have a convertible now, since I move to LA. One night I was driving home, every few month they would be a spectacular rocket launch, from the Vandenberg Air Force Base, which is where Space X rockets are being launch, the Elon Musk rocket company. You see them in the sky, first this is chocking because you don’t know what is happening, almost frightening. Something is glowing in the skin, turning into a glowing cloud, disappearing into the sky then you realize this is a rocket launch going in the space. This is something chokingly new but this is breathtaking and so incredible. There are moment like that when you suddenly realize that you are in the future, the most poetic way imaginable. There are moment in LA and in California today that inspire us all in a way.I think cities are useful way to reinvent yourself, having chapter of your life that correspond to specific cities. I had a pretty long New York chapter, now I have a LA chapter.REFERENCES IN THE EPISODE Nick KnightAlexander McQueenHelmut Lang Visionnaire MagazineOpening Ceremony Humberto Leon and Carol Lim
11 avr. 2019
Épisode de podcast

Titres dans cette série (100)

Bienvenue sur Entreprendre dans la mode, le podcast des entrepreneurs et des acteurs de la mode. Je m'appelle Adrien Garcia, je suis designer et co-fondateur de RÉUNI et chaque semaine, je vais à la rencontre, des femmes et des hommes qui font la mode. Qu'ils soient créateurs, entrepreneurs, retailers, institutionnels, journalistes, attachés de presse, investisseurs ou influenceurs, je les interview pour comprendre leur parcours, leurs problématiques et leurs stratégies pour innover et se développer. Avec ce podcast je souhaite recueillir et partager des conseils pratiques et des idées neuves pour se lancer et réussir dans la mode. Mon ambition c'est qu' ensembles, acteurs de cette industrie, passionnés de créations, de mode, de beauté et d'entrepreneuriat, nous nous nourrissions de l’intelligence et de l’énergie extraordinaires des interviewés. C’est aussi le meilleur prétexte que j'ai trouvé pour rencontrer mes héros, alimenter ma curiosité et continuer d'apprendre. Le podcast est disponible sur toutes les plateformes, alors pensez à vous abonner. Bonne écoute!