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Si Grand
Si Grand
Si Grand
Livre audio9 heures

Si Grand

Écrit par Edna Ferber

Raconté par Sarah Milanno

Évaluation : 0 sur 5 étoiles


À propos de ce livre audio

Menant une vie mi-ordinaire, mi-luxueuse auprès de son père, Selina Peak découvre la valeur de l’art et de la beauté à un très jeune âge. Déterminée, à peine diplômée, âgée de 19 ans et afin de devenir maîtresse d’école, Selina change d’horizon et emménage à High Prairie, une communauté hollandaise à quelques kilomètres de Chicago. Étant persuadée de la véracité des propos tenus par son père « la vie n’est qu’une grande aventure », Selina se jette dans l’inconnu ! Ce chemin pris, sera-t-il Si Grand ? Découvrez-le dans ce magnifique audiobook, Prix Pulitzer du roman 1925.
Date de sortie20 déc. 2022
Si Grand

Edna Ferber

Edna Ferber (1885-1968) was an American novelist, playwright, and short story writer. Born in Kalamazoo, Michigan to Jewish parents, Ferber was raised in Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin. Economic hardship and antisemitism made their family a tight knit one as they moved constantly throughout Edna’s youth. At 17, she gave up her dream of studying to be an actor to support her family, finding work at the Appleton Daily Crescent and the Milwaukee Journal as a reporter. In 1911, while recovering from anemia, Ferber published her debut novel, Dawn O’Hara: The Girl Who Laughed, earning a reputation as a rising star in American literature. In 1925, she was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for her novel So Big, which follows a young woman from a suburb of Chicago who takes a job as a teacher in a rural town. She followed up her critically acclaimed bestseller with the novel Show Boat (1926), which was adapted into a popular musical by Oscar Hammerstein and P. G. Wodehouse the year after its release. Several of her books became successful film and theater productions—So Big served as source material for a 1932 movie starring Barbara Stanwick, George Brent, and Bette Davis, which was remade in 1953 with Jane Wyman in the lead role. Ferber spent most of her life in New York City, where she became a member of the influential Algonquin Round Table group. In the leadup to the Second World War, Ferber supported President Franklin D. Roosevelt and was a fierce critic of Hitler and antisemitism around the world.

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