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Pyjama Party
Pyjama Party
Pyjama Party
Livre audio34 minutes

Pyjama Party

Écrit par Bïa Krieger

Raconté par The Secret Mountain

Évaluation : 0 sur 5 étoiles


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À propos de ce livre audio

A charming children’s story set to a various genres of music. For his birthday, a small boy receives a very special gift: a skunk! These fast friends organize a pajama party for all of the other animals; a zany cast of characters that include a sleep-walking dog, a grizzly bear policeman, and a rabbit who is deeply in love with a fox! This vibrant children’s book is accompanied by audio filled with tunes that move from rock to soul, and rap to disco, making it a book children can read and dance along with.
Date de sortie1 avr. 2014
Pyjama Party

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