Vogue Paris

I ♥ NY

Hope-it's an interesting concept, right'? First of all, hope bas an aspirational quality. We want to have hope. We are attracted to bope. It is in many ways necessary for the human condition to have hope.

But hope is not a blind feeling. lt's aoL a blind belicf. It has to be educated, and it bas to be informed. I have hope based on irtformation and experience. 1 have hope because I see evidence of a better tomorrow. It is reatistic for me to have bope. It is evidence based. Look at what New York did witb the coronavirus. When New York's outbreak started: highest infection rate per capi ta on the gtobe. And the highest infoction rate of any state in the country.

ln mid-June I announced the lowcst infection rate in the United States.

We went from the worstcascsccnario to the bcst. That is the evidence that justifies hope. It's not wishful.

Who has made me hopeful? Tbere is not a specific person- there is a multitude. I say to 19 million New Yorkers- wbo

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