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Cotton Tales 1: English edition
Cotton Tales 1: Spanish Edition
Cotton Tales 1: French edition
Série de livres électroniques5 titres

Cotton Tales Series

Évaluation : 0 sur 5 étoiles


À propos de cette série

In the Moran villa, enthusiasm is palpable for the imminent event, the most anticipated by the nobility: the masquerade ball, which is very promising.
Nicholas, Leticia and Cristopher see in that party the opportunity to finally spend a night together and leave behind their worries and fears. However, in the lives of our protagonists it seems that serenity has no place: the ghosts of the past will knock on the door and Nicholas will be forced to confront them.
ÉditeurFrame srl
Date de sortie17 avr. 2022
Cotton Tales 1: English edition
Cotton Tales 1: Spanish Edition
Cotton Tales 1: French edition

Titres dans cette série (5)

  • Cotton Tales 1: French edition


    Cotton Tales 1: French edition
    Cotton Tales 1: French edition

    Après un accident de cheval, Nicolas se réveille dans une énorme villa, sans aucun souvenir. Il ne reconnaît plus personne, ni le comte Moran, son père, ni Christopher, le serviteur qui semble le détester. Entouré par des lapins bizarres et inquiétants, qu’il semble être le seul à voir, pendant une promenade nocturne dans les grandes pièces vides de la maison, Nicolas rencontre une mystérieuse jeune fille, peut-être la seule qui partage ses étranges visions. La jeune fille, est-elle un fantôme ?

  • Cotton Tales 1: English edition


    Cotton Tales 1: English edition
    Cotton Tales 1: English edition

    Through the torments of the protagonist, the author investigates the relationships between the characters, the darkness within each of us, going into their psychology in a journey with a fairy-tale atmosphere.

  • Cotton Tales 1: Spanish Edition


    Cotton Tales 1: Spanish Edition
    Cotton Tales 1: Spanish Edition

    Después de un accidente a caballo, Nicolas se despierta en una enorme villa, sin memoria. No reconoce a nadie, ni al Conde Moran, su padre, ni a Cristopher, un sirviente que parece odiarle. Está rodeado por raros e inquietantes conejos y resulta ser la única persona capaz de verlos. Paseando por las enormes salas vacías, una noche se cruza con una chica misteriosa, quizás la única con laque comparte sus raras visiones. ¿Puede que la chica sea un fantasma?

  • Cotton Tales 1: Italian edition


    Cotton Tales 1: Italian edition
    Cotton Tales 1: Italian edition

    Da un’autrice unica, una storia dalle tinte horror e il sapore vittoriano. I tormenti del giovane protagonista sono il mezzo con cui Jessica indaga i rapporti tra i personaggi ed esplora l’oscurità dell’animo umano. Lo stile inconfondibile che ha fatto scuola, riporta alla mente non solo la grafica dei manga più raffinati, ma i dipinti inglesi di fine ottocento, la delicatezza delle bambole di porcellana e l’atmosfera dei romanzi gotici.

  • Cotton Tales 2: English edition


    Cotton Tales 2: English edition
    Cotton Tales 2: English edition

    In the Moran villa, enthusiasm is palpable for the imminent event, the most anticipated by the nobility: the masquerade ball, which is very promising. Nicholas, Leticia and Cristopher see in that party the opportunity to finally spend a night together and leave behind their worries and fears. However, in the lives of our protagonists it seems that serenity has no place: the ghosts of the past will knock on the door and Nicholas will be forced to confront them.

En savoir plus sur Jessica Cioffi

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