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Tiger Lily: Tiger Lily, #1
Burning Bright: Tiger Lily, #2
Wake the Sleeping Gods: Tiger Lily prequel short story: Tiger Lily, #0.5
Série de livres électroniques5 titres

Tiger Lily Series

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À propos de cette série

Tiger Lily Series Books One and Two, 530 pages

This volume includes the first two books of the “Tiger Lily” series, “Tiger Lily”  and “Burning Bright.

In an alternate modern America, Lily Mossberg, an anthropology lecturer at a rural New England university, has the ability to turn herself into a tiger. This ability is due to a sudden rash of genetic mutations, a “psi plague”, of which shape-shifting is a rare and virtually unstudied variant. She is also on tap as a consultant to the government's Psi Disease Centers, where her ability to shape-shift into a tiger is as valuable as her academic credentials. Danger is everywhere, since there are those who would exploit the new shape-shifters or exterminate them. Lily finds herself both hunter and hunted as she tries to solve mysteries and protect her family and friends.

Date de sortie13 oct. 2019
Tiger Lily: Tiger Lily, #1
Burning Bright: Tiger Lily, #2
Wake the Sleeping Gods: Tiger Lily prequel short story: Tiger Lily, #0.5

Titres dans cette série (5)

  • Wake the Sleeping Gods: Tiger Lily prequel short story: Tiger Lily, #0.5


    Wake the Sleeping Gods: Tiger Lily prequel short story: Tiger Lily, #0.5
    Wake the Sleeping Gods: Tiger Lily prequel short story: Tiger Lily, #0.5

    When the Lord Daimyo's son is poisoned, Lily must prove her father is innocent of the crime. Can a lonely girl born in the Year of the Tiger save her family without revealing a forbidden connection to the old gods? Prequel short story for the Tiger Lily medieveal Japanese fantasy series.

  • Tiger Lily: Tiger Lily, #1


    Tiger Lily: Tiger Lily, #1
    Tiger Lily: Tiger Lily, #1

    Tiger Lily volume 1, 303 pages In an alternate modern America, Lily Mossberg, an anthropology lecturer at a rural New England university, has the ability to turn herself into a tiger. This ability is due to a sudden rash of genetic mutations, a “psi plague”, of which shape-shifting is a rare and virtually unstudied variant. Lily must contend with her ex-husband, the powerful head of a pharmaceutical company, who is ignorant of her ability but who wants to make money off the new psi “diseases”. He also wants custody of their apparently normal nine year old daughter.  The government has a public health mandate to eliminate the mutations. Lily must struggle to keep her secret and save herself and her daughter from these competing interests even as the realization grows that there may be a sinister collaboration between them. Then there are the murders, which do not have an entirely human signature. An investigator from the federal Psi Special Unit is called in. Lily finds herself both investigating and investigated, determined not to fall in love again but drawn to the detective who is supposed to investigate the murders. Things come to a head at her ex-husband’s site secret pharmaceutical facility where more than Lily’s life and that of her daughter are at stake.

  • Burning Bright: Tiger Lily, #2


    Burning Bright: Tiger Lily, #2
    Burning Bright: Tiger Lily, #2

    Burning Bright, Tiger Lily series book 2, 380 pags In this follow-up to "Tiger Lily", Lily Mossberg must face a new enemy. An anthropology lecturer in an alternate world, she is also on tap as a consultant to the government's Psi Disease Centers, where her ability to shape-shift into a tiger is as valuable as her academic credentials.  The recent shape-shifter scare is over, but there are new dangers. Someone is kidnapping children and the PDC thinks psi abilities are connected. When her daughter's best friend disappears, and then her daughter reveals shape-shifting abilities and is kidnapped, Lily becomes involved. What she discovers at a nearby wildlife reserve is a nightmare of kidnapping, murder and wildlife trafficking. With her daughter in danger and her partner Wes and her handsome colleague Luis both missing, Lily must form new alliances but keep her own abilities secret to save them.

  • Tigresse Lily de Bangkok se retrouve à Londres: Tiger Lily, #2


    Tigresse Lily de Bangkok se retrouve à Londres: Tiger Lily, #2
    Tigresse Lily de Bangkok se retrouve à Londres: Tiger Lily, #2

    Tigresse Lily de Bangkok se retrouve à Londres La tigresse refait surface à nouveau Après l’effet dévastateur que la fureur qu’elle a déchaînée et a eu sur sa propre vie et les citoyens de Bangkok dans ses premiers jours en tant qu’étudiante en médecine, la vie de Lily s’apaise quelque peu et elle se met consciencieusement aux études. Deux ans plus tard, elle gagne une bourse pour travailler à l’hôpital pour enfants de la grande rue Ormond à Londres. Elle s’y rend donc sans Ron qui continue ses études à Bangkok. Le livre « Tigresse Lily de Bangkok se retrouve à Londres » reprend l’histoire de Lily durant la deuxième de ses deux années d’étude en tant qu’étudiante en médecine à l’hôpital. Elle aime beaucoup son travail et s’entends bien avec le personnel médical et infirmier ainsi que les jeunes patients. Toutefois, Lily n’a pas d’amis en dehors de son travail. Lors d’un de ses jours de congé, elle lit un article dans le « Sunday Times » sur les réseaux organisés de pédophiles à Londres qui impliquent le gouvernement du pays lui-même. Cette situation rend Lily absolument furieuse. Elle peut soit l’ignorer ou soit s’impliquer. Sa première réaction est d’éviter le démon qui l’avait possédée à Bangkok seulement quelques années plus tôt. Toutefois, lorsqu’elle rencontre d’autres jeunes victimes d’abus sexuels, le dé semble jeté. Cette histoire n’est pas pour les personnes sensibles et elle ne raconte pas les actes d’abus sexuels posés sur les jeunes. Le livre, cependant, fait souvent référence à des endroits notoires d’abus, notamment le « Meat Rack » (étalage de viande ou de jeunes à louer) sur le « Piccadilly Circus » au centre de Londres. Beaucoup de questions sont soulevées et sont toujours sous enquête par la police au moment de la rédaction de ce livre. Mais peu de personnes s’attendent à voir de résultats de ces enquêtes. Nos soi-disant dirigeants nous font honte parce qu’ils préfèrent protéger les puissants agresseurs plutôt que les jeunes abusés impuissants devant eux.

  • Tiger Lily Series Books One and Two: Tiger Lily

    Tiger Lily Series Books One and Two: Tiger Lily
    Tiger Lily Series Books One and Two: Tiger Lily

    Tiger Lily Series Books One and Two, 530 pages This volume includes the first two books of the “Tiger Lily” series, “Tiger Lily”  and “Burning Bright. In an alternate modern America, Lily Mossberg, an anthropology lecturer at a rural New England university, has the ability to turn herself into a tiger. This ability is due to a sudden rash of genetic mutations, a “psi plague”, of which shape-shifting is a rare and virtually unstudied variant. She is also on tap as a consultant to the government's Psi Disease Centers, where her ability to shape-shift into a tiger is as valuable as her academic credentials. Danger is everywhere, since there are those who would exploit the new shape-shifters or exterminate them. Lily finds herself both hunter and hunted as she tries to solve mysteries and protect her family and friends.


Owen Jones

Author Owen Jones, from Barry, South Wales, came to writing novels relatively recently, although he has been writing all his adult life. He has lived and worked in several countries and travelled in many, many more. He speaks, or has spoken, seven languages fluently and is currently learning Thai, since he lived in Thailand with his Thai wife of ten years. "It has never taken me long to learn a language," he says, "but Thai bears no relationship to any other language I have ever studied before." When asked about his style of writing, he said, "I'm a Celt, and we are Romantic. I believe in reincarnation and lots more besides in that vein. Those beliefs, like 'Do unto another...', and 'What goes round comes around', Fate and Karma are central to my life, so they are reflected in my work'. His first novel, 'Daddy's Hobby' from the series 'Behind The Smile: The Story of Lek, a Bar Girl in Pattaya' has become the classic novel on Pattaya bar girls and has been followed by six sequels. However, his largest collection is 'The Megan Series', twenty-three novelettes on the psychic development of a young teenage girl, the subtitle of which, 'A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger and One Scary Mother!' sums them up nicely. After fifteen years of travelling, Owen and his wife are now back in his home town. He sums up his style as: "I write about what I see... or think I see... or dream... and in the end, it's all the same really..."

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