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Start Programming & Simulating PLC In Your Laptop from Scratch: A No BS, No Fluff, PLC Programming Volume 1: Volume, #1
L'Égalité de la Femme: Volume, #1
The Spiritual MBA: Discover How to Manage Your Biggest Asset: Volume, #1
Série de livres électroniques15 titres

Volume Series

Évaluation : 0 sur 5 étoiles


À propos de cette série

A practical guide to the evaluation and management of digestive disorders for gastroenterologists, hospitalists, fellows, advanced practice provicers, and medical students. Need to know information to help you start an inpatient gastroenterology consult.

Date de sortie11 févr. 2017
Start Programming & Simulating PLC In Your Laptop from Scratch: A No BS, No Fluff, PLC Programming Volume 1: Volume, #1
L'Égalité de la Femme: Volume, #1
The Spiritual MBA: Discover How to Manage Your Biggest Asset: Volume, #1

Titres dans cette série (15)

  • The Spiritual MBA: Discover How to Manage Your Biggest Asset: Volume, #1


    The Spiritual MBA: Discover How to Manage Your Biggest Asset: Volume, #1
    The Spiritual MBA: Discover How to Manage Your Biggest Asset: Volume, #1

    Are you looking for a more fulfilling way to build a successful and happy life? Why not try the Spiritual MBA way? This approach has the potential to move you further along your own success and happiness continuum. Inspired by a true story of a successful female entrepreneur, the Spiritual MBA is a 'practical spirituality' handbook that lays out a new spiritually-inspired self-leadership framework. This life-success companion was created in response to a new narrative emerging around the topic of spirituality and its place in business and our lives at large. According to a USA Weekend poll, "47% of Americans cited spirituality as the second most important factor in their personal happiness and they are looking for ways to bring spirituality to all aspects of their lives, including their workplace". This insightful pocket book scores high on its practicality value and reveals useful tips on how to manage your biggest asset - your mind and Self - more effectively. To this point, it is filled with unique success-building strategies, actionable insights and self-management tips that you are not likely to pick up in a traditional classroom! Useful practical tips are interwoven with entertaining personal anecdotes and real-life testimonials that inspire and empower and call you to action! The proposed 'spiritual-preneurship' framework and with it the 'spiritual-preneur' is a new addition to an entire suite of already established preneurs, from entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, infopreneurs, techno-preneurs, kindle-preneurs to other innovative variations. Most importantly, spiritual-preneurship is a code of conduct; a spiritual manifesto. A set of success and happiness habits that lead to greatly positive and lasting life-outcomes because they are achieved in alignment with Higher spiritual (natural) laws that govern our universe.  What's in it for you? You can expect this book to inspire, educate and motivate. It will make you more self-aware, expand your views and introduce you to the spiritual-MBA toolkit that can make a real difference in your life. You will gain a deeper understanding of how your mind actually works, how to harness its creative power and how to program it for whatever goal you are after. You will learn about the concept of brain integrity and mind-sync as well as various cases of internal resistance that may be holding you back from achieving the level of success that you deserve. You will be introduced to the concept of energetic healing and some energetic clearing techniques as well as the life-path system that sheds an invaluable light on some specific challenge areas and also points to untapped opportunities that are inherent to your life journey.             The Spiritual MBA is much more than just another self-development guidebook. It is an exciting new beginning of a collective journey that will touch many lives and impact greatly! It is also a new platform to promote other successful spiritual-preneurs. It is a growing social and virtual community that connects, inspires and creates a positive spiritual footprint across the globe. Lastly, this life-success companion gives you an opportunity to pause, reflect, and re-imagine your life. You may feel inspired to re-invent yourself or define a new more fulfilling vision for yourself if the one that you are currently living no longer fulfills you. Are you ready to reach for your dreams and design the destiny that you seek? Let this Spiritual-MBA pocket book help you along the way. Your success and happiness are only a decision away!

  • Start Programming & Simulating PLC In Your Laptop from Scratch: A No BS, No Fluff, PLC Programming Volume 1: Volume, #1


    Start Programming & Simulating PLC In Your Laptop from Scratch: A No BS, No Fluff, PLC Programming Volume 1: Volume, #1
    Start Programming & Simulating PLC In Your Laptop from Scratch: A No BS, No Fluff, PLC Programming Volume 1: Volume, #1

    Learning to code controllers, PLCs & HMIs? Get the PLC-HMI programming skills they did not teach you back in the day... Skills Michael and I learned over a decade of working in the field of Automation. Whether you have just graduated or are a technician, a hobbyist, a total beginner, or a new programmer. If you are ready to take it to the next level, this is your next step in PLC-HMI programmer training.   Here's Exactly What You'll Discover Inside The PLC-HMI Training You learn Project Examples and Best Practices to Create Complete HMI-PLC Programs from Beginning to Virtual Deployment in Your PC or Laptop From Scratch... This Book Will Serve As Introductory & Beginning To PLC Programming Suitable For Dummies, Teens And Aspiring Young Adult And Even Intermediate Programmers Of Any Age... Receive FREE a powerful IEC language IDE. The use of the editors, debugging & simulation functions are based upon the proven development program environments of advanced programming languages (such as Visual C++) so that you be able to write and test codes independently... You'll Learn that PLC-HMI Is an Excellent Candidate for Robotics, Automation System Design, and Linear Programming so that you can Maximizing Output and Minimize Cost Used In Production and Factory Automation Engineering... Get PLC-HMI codes for Lifter/Elevator, Pick & Place, Modular Pallet Conveyor System in Our 21 Real-World example study so that you can adapt to more advanced programming... Open Doors to Absolute Mastery in HMI-PLC Programming In Multiple IEC Languages So that You Know How to Write Code and Proof Yourself and Others Your Competence. Take this knowledge and build up a freelance agency... You'll work with Tags, Routines, and Faults. In the example, you'll learn how to create and use the various types of tags (a.k.a. Variables) available, along with all of the different data types that are associated with tags. As well as providing guidance on how to account for typical problems and recover from faults. All of which are essential skills to most programmers... -------------------- Email from Happy Customer JOE GRASSI Michael and Farouk, Yea, the book is great and I will work through all the functions in CoDeSys. As have been in the electrical industry for 10+ years, I didn't realize PLC programming was this easy, can't believe I have just been sitting on the sidelines passing this stuff on to the guys that consider themselves dedicated plc programmers. Btw: how do I get on the mailing list? I would definitely like to get your next release for sure. Thanks, Joe ------------------- PRADEEP DHANAPALA Thank you very much for your email and I made a order today. Especially I want to know about Mitsubishi PLCs bcz I live in Japan and It is the type our company using. So I hope you're book series would help me. Thank you very much -------------------- If you've been on the fence waiting and thinking about programming, this PLC Project Course will get you writing real working programs fast. At the end of it, you get to use it, customize it, to your own liking. So don't wait any longer! Start Now!

  • L'Égalité de la Femme: Volume, #1


    L'Égalité de la Femme: Volume, #1
    L'Égalité de la Femme: Volume, #1

    La décision d'écrire ce livre a été motivée par une double contrainte qui m'a poussé dans deux directions. Le processus de travail sur lequel j'ai travaillé pour créer un environnement dans lequel les femmes étaient rançonnées m'a fait réaliser que je devais examiner ce qui n'allait pas avec les femmes dans notre société et ce que nous faisions de mal pour créer ce que tout le monde faisait de bien. Au départ, je souhaitais d'analyser la psychologie des deux sexes à partir d'une interprétation empathique et d'un point de vue psychologique. Cette expérience m'a aidée à mieux comprendre les racines des problèmes auxquels sont confrontées les femmes d'aujourd'hui. De plus, j'ai acquis une meilleure compréhension du rôle que les hommes peuvent jouer dans certaines situations face à ces problèmes en leur apportant soutien et médiation. Je crois que les hommes et les femmes sont inextricablement liés et à jamais empêtrés dans une lutte, et aucun ne peut survivre seul sans l'autre. Au cours des premiers établissements humains, le but de ce livre était d'examiner le rôle joué par les femmes dans l'histoire des premiers établissements humains. Il s'agissait d'expliquer comment elles étaient dépeintes à cette époque et d'explorer comment elles étaient privées du droit à l'égalité des droits. C'est pourquoi j'ai souligné l'importance des femmes, leur force émotionnelle, leur rôle dans la société et la façon dont elles apportent une contribution précieuse à la société dans son ensemble. Pour ces raisons, j'ai souligné l'importance des femmes dans la société. Les femmes apportent une contribution importante à notre environnement. Si nous refusons de reconnaître cette contribution en nous-mêmes, nous ne pourrons pas assister au progrès que nous exigeons dans notre société au rythme que nous désirons.

  • My Life in Word: Volume, #1


    My Life in Word: Volume, #1
    My Life in Word: Volume, #1

    Originally from Camden, New Jersey, Dr. Keyonda Smith has lived an extraordinary and improbable life. In her early 40's, she is known for her humility, charm, and natural ease. As a natural storyteller and communicator, her down-to-earth approach will catch your attention.   With an unusual path to success, Dr. Smith's biographical accounts Volume I is Engaging, relatable, and intimate. As the first volume of three, she is an exceptional practitioner, academician, and researcher, in hopes of providing motivation and helping others succeed.   In Volume I of My Life in Words, Dr. Smith recounts her formative years and a few relatable personal experiences. She also shares her nostalgic childhood, family and friends' dynamic, and her big move to St. Thomas, USVI (in Volume III, Dr. Smith reveals the tragedy associated with this move).   This insight sets the stage for Volume II, where she shares her academic hurdles and non-traditional route. Based on Volume I, Dr. Smith will also discuss her professional successes, barriers, and how she handled them.   Dr. Smith will disclose her hang-ups, tragedies, losses, and regrets in Volume III, which prepared her for success. In Volume III, she exposes her witnessing a murder, celebrity dating, dramatic family events, a few divorces, and the loss of several friends (once she lost three best friends in death at the same time). Although this volume is a short and quick read, Volume I is the perfect introduction to support the decisions she will share in Volume II and Volume II.

  • The Book of Beastly Creatures: Volume, #1


    The Book of Beastly Creatures: Volume, #1
    The Book of Beastly Creatures: Volume, #1

    We've set up Hex Arcana Publishing in tribute to the spirit of 1970s and 80s genre books that combined chilling tales with gorgeous illustrated artwork.  The Book of Beastly Creatures is our first book, a hefty, volume of 18 horror stories, with full-colour illustrations, and an appendix which features RPG rules for our monsters, using the Open Game License. Each terrifying story stars a different monster, spectre, or demonic entity, with inspiration from a wide set of influences, from ancient mythology, to the supernatural, and the endless horrors of the cosmos. So, whatever you fear... rest assured, we have a monster here for you!  

  • La Femme de Caïn n'était ni sa Sœur ni son Apparentée: Volume, #1


    La Femme de Caïn n'était ni sa Sœur ni son Apparentée: Volume, #1
    La Femme de Caïn n'était ni sa Sœur ni son Apparentée: Volume, #1

    C'est dans notre nature humaine d'être curieux depuis la naissance, altéré d'apprendre et d'acquérir une compréhension globale de tout. Il peut y avoir des différences dans nos styles vestimentaires et nos préférences alimentaires, mais il y a certaines choses que nous partageons tous en commun. Dans notre esprit, c'est la question que nous nous posons tous concernant la création de l'univers. En raison de notre désir de découvrir quand et comment tout a commencé, nous sommes également curieux de connaître le moment exact de l'histoire où tout a commencé. Ne serait-il pas intéressant pour nous tous de comprendre comment le monde fonctionne du point de vue de la science, de la religion, des émotions et de la spiritualité ? En conséquence, on peut conclure que des questions ont l'aptitude de pousser quelqu'un à travailler avec diligence pour trouver une réponse. Il y avait une question que Stephen Hawking a posée ; il voulait connaître la théorie de tout et savoir où il en était avec cette petite question. Telles sont les questions qui nous lient. Sur YouTube, vous trouverez des milliers de vidéos concernant le travail de Yuval Noah Harari et David Eagleman, deux des plus grands experts mondiaux dans leurs domaines respectifs. Nous avons tous examiné et évalué de nombreux livres différents sur les origines humaines et la théorie du Big Bang, c'est pourquoi il y a tant de livres disponibles. En tant qu'êtres humains, nous sommes empêtrés dans plusieurs chaînes, y compris les relations culturelles, religieuses, sociales et même personnelles. Notre système de croyance est basé sur les choses qui peuvent être satisfaites par ces chaînes. Dans la croyance de nombreuses religions, Adam et Ève ont été les premiers humains, et nous sommes tous leurs descendants. De plus, nous y croyons fermement, car elle est considérée comme l'une des écoles de pensée les plus influentes. Puisqu'elle est la source de notre capacité à garder espoir et ténacité malgré les rejets, elle est essentielle à notre mission. En dehors de cela, la société le tient en haute estime. Dans la vie humaine, nous sommes définis par les personnes qui vivent autour de nous et font partie de notre tribu. Nous devons avoir le soutien des membres de notre tribu dans les moments difficiles. C'est parce que ce sont eux qui nous assistent et nous apportent un soutien émotionnel dans les moments difficiles. Quand tout sera dit et fait, nous croirons certainement ce qu'ils disent, peu importe ce qu'ils prétendent. En tant que culture, nous considérons les anciens comme des individus respectés, y compris les prêtres, les papes, les pères, les parents âgés et d'autres personnes du même âge. Leur influence joue un rôle déterminant dans le développement de notre état d'esprit. Beaucoup croient qu'ils disent la vérité s'ils disent que le jour est la nuit sans le rechercher.  

  • Igualdad de la Mujer: Volume, #1


    Igualdad de la Mujer: Volume, #1
    Igualdad de la Mujer: Volume, #1

    La decisión de escribir este libro fue impulsada por una doble compulsión que me llevó en dos direcciones. El proceso de trabajo en el que trabajé para crear un entorno en el que las mujeres estaban siendo secuestradas me hizo darme cuenta de que necesitaba examinar qué estaba mal con las mujeres en nuestra sociedad y qué estábamos haciendo mal para crear lo que todos estaban haciendo bien. Inicialmente quise analizar la psicología de ambos sexos desde una interpretación empática y desde una perspectiva psicológica. Esta experiencia me ayudó a obtener una comprensión más profunda de las raíces de los problemas que enfrentan las mujeres hoy en día. Además, he adquirido una mejor comprensión del papel que pueden desempeñar los hombres en determinadas situaciones al abordar estos problemas brindándoles apoyo y mediación. Creo que los hombres y las mujeres están inextricablemente unidos y enredados para siempre en una pelea, y ninguno puede sobrevivir solo sin el otro. Durante los primeros asentamientos humanos, el propósito de este libro fue examinar el papel jugado por las mujeres en la historia temprana de los asentamientos humanos. Fue para explicar cómo fueron retratados durante ese tiempo y explorar cómo fueron privados del derecho a la igualdad de derechos. Por eso he resaltado la importancia de la mujer, su fuerza emocional, su papel en la sociedad y cómo hacen una valiosa contribución a la sociedad en general. Por estas razones, he subrayado la importancia de la mujer en la sociedad. Las mujeres hacen una contribución significativa a nuestro medio ambiente. Si nos negamos a reconocer esa contribución en nosotros mismos, no podremos presenciar el progreso que exigimos en nuestra sociedad al ritmo que deseamos.

  • La Esposa de Caín no era ni su Hermana ni su Pariente: Volume, #1


    La Esposa de Caín no era ni su Hermana ni su Pariente: Volume, #1
    La Esposa de Caín no era ni su Hermana ni su Pariente: Volume, #1

    Ha sido nuestra naturaleza como seres humanos ser curiosos desde el nacimiento, ansiosos por aprender y obtener una comprensión integral de todo. Puede haber diferencias en nuestros estilos de ropa y preferencias alimenticias, pero hay algunas cosas que todos compartimos en común. En nuestras mentes, esta es la pregunta que todos nos hacemos con respecto a la creación del universo. Como resultado de nuestro deseo de descubrir cuándo y cómo comenzaron las cosas, también tenemos curiosidad sobre el momento exacto de la historia en que comenzó todo. ¿No sería interesante para todos nosotros entender cómo funciona el mundo desde la perspectiva de la ciencia, la religión, las emociones y la espiritualidad?   En consecuencia, se puede concluir que las preguntas tienen el poder de empujar a alguien a trabajar diligentemente para encontrar una respuesta. Hubo una pregunta que hizo Stephen Hawking; quería saber la teoría de todo y saber hasta dónde había llegado con esta pequeña pregunta. Estas son las preguntas que nos unen. En YouTube, encontrará miles de videos sobre el trabajo de Yuval Noah Harari y David Eagleman, dos de los expertos más importantes del mundo en sus respectivos campos. Todos hemos revisado y calificado muchos libros diferentes sobre los orígenes humanos y la teoría del Big Bang, razón por la cual hay tantos libros disponibles. Como seres humanos, estamos enredados en varias cadenas, incluidas las relaciones culturales, religiosas, sociales e incluso personales. Nuestro sistema de creencias se basa en aquellas cosas que pueden ser satisfechas por estas cadenas. En la creencia de muchas religiones, Adán y Eva fueron los primeros humanos, y todos somos sus descendientes. Además, creemos firmemente en él, ya que se considera una de las escuelas de pensamiento más influyentes. Dado que es la fuente de nuestra capacidad de permanecer esperanzados y tenaces a pesar de los rechazos, es esencial para nuestra misión. Aparte de eso, la sociedad lo tiene en alta estima. En la vida humana, somos definidos por las personas que viven a nuestro alrededor y son parte de nuestra tribu. Debemos contar con el apoyo de los miembros de nuestra tribu durante los momentos difíciles. Esto se debe a que son ellos quienes nos ayudan y brindan apoyo emocional durante los momentos difíciles. Cuando todo esté dicho y hecho, ciertamente creeremos lo que digan sin importar lo que afirmen. Como cultura, consideramos a los ancianos como personas respetadas, incluidos sacerdotes, papas, padres, parientes ancianos y otros de edad similar. Su influencia juega un papel fundamental en el desarrollo de nuestra mentalidad. Muchos creen que están diciendo la verdad si dicen que el día es la noche sin investigarlo.

  • If Tomorrow Comes: Volume, #1


    If Tomorrow Comes: Volume, #1
    If Tomorrow Comes: Volume, #1

    For DiCarlo, family is everything. After losing his mother and sister to violence at a young age, DiCarlo yearns for a family of his own. And then along comes Cassandra. After falling in love and marrying Cassandra, DiCarlo knew that it was only a matter of time before he would have a child of his own. But then tragedy strikes. In the blink of an eye, DiCarlo and Cassandra's lives will be forever altered. Life finally comes full circle for DiCarlo when he finds out what really happened to his mother and sister on that fateful night so many years ago.

  • Woman’s Equality: Volume, #1


    Woman’s Equality: Volume, #1
    Woman’s Equality: Volume, #1

    The decision to write this book was driven by a dual compulsion that compelled me in two directions. The process of the work I worked through to create an environment in which women were being held to ransom made me realize that I needed to examine what was wrong with women in our society and what we were doing wrong to create what everyone was doing right. Initially, I wished to analyze both sexes' psychology from an empathetic interpretation and from a psychological perspective. This experience helped me gain a deeper understanding of the roots of the problems facing women today. Additionally, I have gained a better understanding of the role men can play in certain situations when dealing with these issues by providing them with support and mediation. I believe that men and women are inextricably linked and forever entangled in a tussle, and neither one can survive alone without the other. During the first human settlements, the purpose of this book was to examine the role played by women in the early history of human settlements. It was to explain how they were portrayed during that time and to explore how they were deprived of the right to equal rights. This is why I have highlighted the importance of women, their emotional strength, their role in society, and how they make a valuable contribution to society at large. For these reasons, I have stressed the importance of women in society. Women make a significant contribution to our environment. If we refuse to acknowledge that contribution in ourselves, we will not be able to witness the progress we demand in our society at the pace we desire.

  • Money and Choices: VOLUME, #1


    Money and Choices: VOLUME, #1
    Money and Choices: VOLUME, #1

    Are You Ready to Transform Your Financial Life?   If you're like most people, managing your finances feels like an uphill battle. No matter how hard you try to budget, save, and invest, you just get by financially.   What if I told you it doesn't have to be this way? Can you take control of your money, reduce stress, and secure your financial future?   After coaching over 7,000 people on achieving financial prosperity, I've seen firsthand what it takes to thrive financially. It requires the proper knowledge, skills, and, most importantly, a Money Mindset. Any financial advice is just empty information without transforming how you think about money.   That's why I wrote this book.   In MONEY AND CHOICES, I'll guide you through the mental shifts and essential money skills you need to take charge of your finances. With my proven framework, you'll learn how to:   Adopt empowering money mindsets so you make wiser financial choices Become financially literate – understand the game of money   Shift from a scarcity to an abundance mentality Use my secret budgeting tricks to save more without sacrifice Wipe out debt fast while still living your life Make saving and investing a habit Take control of your financial future     With over seven years of experience, I'm the perfect partner to help you navigate the complex world of personal finance. This book provides clear action steps you can immediately apply to start transforming your money situation. Follow along in your journal as you implement impactful money moves. Build confidence with each small win. You'll be shocked at how fast your finances improve when you combine essential skills with the right mindset. I'll be there motivating you through real-life stories and guidance. Together, we'll create the financial future you deserve.   Don't wait another day - invest in yourself now and take control of your money!   Order MONEY AND CHOICES today and get started!

  • Cain's Wife was Neither His Sister Nor His Relative: Volume, #1


    Cain's Wife was Neither His Sister Nor His Relative: Volume, #1
    Cain's Wife was Neither His Sister Nor His Relative: Volume, #1

    It is in our nature as humans to be curious. Since birth, we are eager to learn and gain a comprehensive understanding of everything around us. There may be many differences between us, but the biggest question is about the creation of the universe. When did it all begin? As human beings, we are entangled in several chains, including cultural, religious, social, and even personal relationships. Our belief system is based upon those things that can be satisfied by these chains. In the belief of many religions, Adam and Eve were the first humans, and we are all their descendants. Furthermore, it is also worth noting that there is another school of thought: The school of science. Religion and this school of thought are frequently at odds with each other. According to this argument, Adam and Eve cannot be held solely responsible for the vast genetic diversity prevailing in our world today. Scientists and geneticists believe that we must have received genetic information from other people besides the religious couple. When religious leaders in the early days of Christianity, strongly aware of scientific findings, began disputing some verses and asking questions about Cain's wife, these clashes became mainstream.  in the Bible, he married a woman from another tribe. A younger generation of priests and researchers asks: Where does this tribe come from? Does the other tribe dispel the oldest statement that Adam and Eve were the first humans? If so, this means Cain's wife must be his niece or a relative. This leaves us with more questions ... one that this book seeks to answer a few using research papers, verses, and personal experiences.

  • Start Programming, Simulating HMI and PLC in Your Laptop: A No Bs, No Fluff, HMI and PLC Programming & Simulating Volume 2: Volume, #2


    Start Programming, Simulating HMI and PLC in Your Laptop: A No Bs, No Fluff, HMI and PLC Programming & Simulating Volume 2: Volume, #2
    Start Programming, Simulating HMI and PLC in Your Laptop: A No Bs, No Fluff, HMI and PLC Programming & Simulating Volume 2: Volume, #2

    Learning to code controllers, PLCs & HMIs? Get the PLC-HMI programming skills they did not teach you back in the day... Skills Michael and I learned over a decade of working in the field of Automation. Whether you have just graduated or are a technician, a hobbyist, a total beginner, or a new programmer. If you are ready to take it to the next level, this is your next step in PLC-HMI programmer training.   Here's Exactly What You'll Discover Inside The PLC-HMI Training You learn Project Examples and Best Practices to Create Complete HMI-PLC Programs from Beginning to Virtual Deployment in Your PC or Laptop From Scratch... This Book Will Serve As Introductory & Beginning To PLC Programming Suitable For Dummies, Teens And Aspiring Young Adult And Even Intermediate Programmers Of Any Age... Receive a powerful IEC language IDE. The use of the editors, debugging & simulation functions are based upon the proven development program environments of advanced programming languages (such as Visual C++) so that you be able to write and test codes independently... You'll Learn that PLC-HMI Is an Excellent Candidate for Robotics, Automation System Design, and Linear Programming so that you can Maximizing Output and Minimize Cost Used In Production and Factory Automation Engineering... Get PLC-HMI codes for Lifter/Elevator, Pick & Place, Modular Pallet Conveyor System in Our 21 Real-World example study so that you can adapt to more advanced programming... Open Doors to Absolute Mastery in HMI-PLC Programming In Multiple IEC Languages So that You Know How to Write Code and Proof Yourself and Others Your Competence. Take this knowledge and build up a agency... You'll work with Tags, Routines, and Faults. In the example, you'll learn how to create and use the various types of tags (a.k.a. Variables) available, along with all of the different data types that are associated with tags. As well as providing guidance on how to account for typical problems and recover from faults. All of which are essential skills to most programmers... -------------------- Email from Happy Customer JOE GRASSI Michael and Farouk, Yea, the book is great and I will work through all the functions in CoDeSys. As have been in the electrical industry for 10+ years, I didn't realize PLC programming was this easy, can't believe I have just been sitting on the sidelines passing this stuff on to the guys that consider themselves dedicated plc programmers. Btw: how do I get on the mailing list? I would definitely like to get your next release for sure. Thanks, Joe ------------------- PRADEEP DHANAPALA Thank you very much for your email and I made a order today. Especially I want to know about Mitsubishi PLCs bcz I live in Japan and It is the type our company using. So I hope you're book series would help me. Thank you very much -------------------- If you've been on the fence waiting and thinking about programming, this PLC Project Course will get you writing real working programs fast. At the end of it, you get to use it, customize it, to your own liking. So don't wait any longer! Start Now!

  • Infatuation. Vol 2.: Volume, #2


    Infatuation. Vol 2.: Volume, #2
    Infatuation. Vol 2.: Volume, #2

    Short story - fiction    Shaan and natasha continue to grow their relationship as it takes turn into new dynamics of their relationship. It is tantalizing and also nerve wrecking. Story embarks on the journey of a couple pickled in the corporate and entertainment fickle. Written and publish by   Shadab shaikh

  • Gastroenterology Hospital Handbook Volume 2: Volume, #2


    Gastroenterology Hospital Handbook Volume 2: Volume, #2
    Gastroenterology Hospital Handbook Volume 2: Volume, #2

    A practical guide to the evaluation and management of digestive disorders for gastroenterologists, hospitalists, fellows, advanced practice provicers, and medical students. Need to know information to help you start an inpatient gastroenterology consult.

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