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Is it ever ok to want your sports team to lose?

Is it ever ok to want your sports team to lose?

DeParler anglais

Is it ever ok to want your sports team to lose?

DeParler anglais

8 minutes
23 mai 2024
Épisode de podcast


After Ben was faced with a terrible dilemma, he considers whether wanting your sports team to lose if ever ok.Read the episode transcript and watch a video tutorial about a grammar point used in today’s episode by joining the Learn English with Ben fan club. Visit patreon.com/learnenglishwithben for more information and to join now.Patreon: patreon.com/learnenglishwithben - For transcripts, comprehension quizzes, and video tutorials, join the fan club.Instagram: instagram.com/learnenglishwithbenWebsite: learnenglishwithben.comEmail: learnenglishwithben88@gmail.com - send me an email if you're interested in classes  Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
23 mai 2024
Épisode de podcast

Titres dans cette série (100)

Je m'appelle Ben, je vis à Londres et je vous propose d'apprendre l'anglais avec moi.