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Conférence - David Nirenberg : Antijudaism, Critical Thought, and the Possibility of History

Conférence - David Nirenberg : Antijudaism, Critical Thought, and the Possibility of History

DeCollège de France - Sélection

Conférence - David Nirenberg : Antijudaism, Critical Thought, and the Possibility of History

DeCollège de France - Sélection

49 minutes
12 juin 2023
Épisode de podcast


Patrice BoucheronCollège de FranceHistoire des pouvoirs en Europe occidentale, XIIIe-XVIe siècleAnnée 2022-2023Conférence - David Nirenberg : Antijudaism, Critical Thought, and the Possibility of HistoryIntervenant(s)David Nirenberg, Director and Leon Levy Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, PrincetonConférence en anglais, organisée en collaboration avec le LEM (Laboratoire d'étude sur les monothéismes, UMR 8584).In my book Antijudaïsme (Labor et Fides, 2023), I proposed that we should understand the long history of Anti-Judaism not merely as the history of a prejudice, but also as the history of our Western religions (such as Christianity and Islam), philosophies (such as Idealism and Marxism), ethics and ideals. If this is true, then how can we be sure that our critical thought is truly critical? And how can we write history that helps us achieve the capacity to critique Anti-Judaism in the present, rather than reproducing it?
12 juin 2023
Épisode de podcast

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