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CHANEL Literary Rendezvous — “les Rencontres”, interview with Michelle Min Sterling

CHANEL Literary Rendezvous — “les Rencontres”, interview with Michelle Min Sterling


CHANEL Literary Rendezvous — “les Rencontres”, interview with Michelle Min Sterling


44 minutes
17 mai 2024
Épisode de podcast

17 mai 2024
Épisode de podcast

Titres dans cette série (51)

For several years now, the House of CHANEL has been developing digital projects in the same spirit that has always animated it: combining innovation and technology with aesthetics and passion. In 2017 CHANEL launched its podcast, the 3.55.Imagined as an intimate conversation, this previously unseen format favours sound over image and opens new doors onto the world of CHANEL.  New episodes regularly see the light of day, recorded in spaces that are representative of the House, such as Gabrielle Chanel’s apartment or the Métiers d’art ateliers but also during events including the CHANEL runway shows, the travelling exhibition Mademoiselle Privé, the International Festival of Fashion and Photography in Hyères and the Cannes Film Festival. Each time, it is an invitation to discover a personality from the worlds of fashion and art, to become immersed in their experiences and their observations and to go behind the scenes of creation. With the 3.55 podcast, CHANEL introduces a new way to communicate and to share: the episodes make up a virtual and highly original library, that can be kept and replayed whenever you like, wherever you like. An audio escapade…