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BERT VAN SON Mud Jeans - Leasing & recycling pair of jeans infinitely

BERT VAN SON Mud Jeans - Leasing & recycling pair of jeans infinitely


BERT VAN SON Mud Jeans - Leasing & recycling pair of jeans infinitely


47 minutes
10 déc. 2019
Épisode de podcast


A PODCAST ON ECO-DENIM - A partnership between Thegoodgoods and Denim Première VisionWelcome to Le Sapping, French Podcast On Responsible Fashion.This podcast is edited by Thegoodgoods, the 1st French media on sustainable fashion. This week, Victoire Satto has the honor to welcome Bert van Son, Founder of Mud Jeans, to talk about denim.This episode is part of the #cleandenimweek : a whole week about the past & future of this iconic, global, 2-billions-a-year-sold item, standing in every wardrobe on earth. What does it take to make a pair of jeans ?  What is its social and environmental impact ?  How can we minimize it at every step of its production ?  And beyond that, what if we could reshape this whole industry in a circular economic model ? Since the beginning of his company MudJeans, in 2012, Bert van Son tries hard to answer those questions everyday. He is a pioneer in eco-conception, choosing organic cotton, non toxic dying, safe and closer partners for production... He was one of the first to use recycled materials and moreover, realized that the best way to get a good raw post-consumers cotton was to enter the circular economy in leasing pairs of jeans.Today Mud Jeans is an international and very respected brand, BCorp certified, C02 neutral and… economically viable. A journey of challenges and accomplishments he’ll tell us in details the next 45 minutes. This episode is a result of a very special partnership between Thegoodgoods and Denim Première Vision, The responsible denim fashion event, that has been a major actor in the transition of this industry by bringing together all actors and change makers of the denim supply chain, twice a year, in the event Denim Première Vision.THE NEXT EDITION WILL TAKE PLACE IN MILANO THE 10TH AND 11TH OF JUNE 2020In a circular economy, textile industry, brands and final consumers are involved and responsible, it seemed logical reunite them all during a special denim week. Now it’s time to welcome our guest,ENJOY THE EPISODE ! Mud Jeans Le Site [mudjeans.eu] Mud Jeans Sur Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/mudjeans/] Le Dernier Sustainability Report de Mud Jeans [https://www.dropbox.com/s/aw4g1ui0l05c2dc/MUD-Jeans-Sustainability-Report-20183.pdf?dl=0] GOTS / OCS [http://thegoodgoods.fr/lexique/lexique-des-labels] BCorp [http://thegoodgoods.fr/lexique/lexique-des-labels] Jeanologia [https://www.jeanologia.com/] Denim Première Vision [https://www.denimpremierevision.com/] Première Vision [https://www.premierevision.com/] Collab Mud Jeans x Sea Shepherd Hommes [https://mudjeans.eu/product-category/women-jeans/women-buy/women-mud-x-sea-shepherd/] / Femmes [https://mudjeans.eu/product-category/women-jeans/women-buy/women-mud-x-sea-shepherd/] Better Cotton Initiative OUR ARTICLE ON ORGANIC VS CONVENTIONAL COTTONhttps://www.thegoodgoods.fr/lexique/fiches-pratiques/coton-biologique-vs-conton-conventionel OUR ARTICLE ON... Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
10 déc. 2019
Épisode de podcast

Titres dans cette série (100)

Bienvenue dans ON(WARD) FASHION, le podcast des solutions business pour une mode durable. Je suis Victoire Satto, co-fondatrice de The Good Goods, le premier média francophone sur la mode responsable. Sur ce podcast, je reçois des femmes et des hommes porteurs de solutions pour accélérer la transition sociale et environnementale de l’industrie de la mode. ON(WARD) FASHION vous propose des outils tech, les conseils de marques engagées, et de partager l’expertise d’entrepreneurs à succès. Ce podcast est conçu comme une bibliothèque de solutions concrètes, centralisées et immédiatement disponibles, pour guider la mode dans son développement durable. ON(WARD) FASHION est diffusé chaque mardi à 07h sur toutes les plateformes d’écoute. Chaque épisode est précédé d'un hashtag qui caractérise sa thématique : #TECH (< 30 minutes) #MARQUES #EXPERTS (environ 60 minutes)On vous invite à vous abonner à la chaîne ainsi qu’à notre newsletter business, disponible sur thegoodgoods.fr (http://thegoodgoods.fr/), pour œuvrer avec nous au reset de cette industrie. Bonne écoute ! On a plein de choses à vous raconter, se retrouve sur nos réseaux ?SITE & NEWSLETTER : thegoodgoods.fr INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/onwardfashionpodcast/ LINKEDIN : https://www.linkedin.com/company/thegoodgoods/ TWITTER : https://twitter.com/_thegoodgoods FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/thegoodgoodsfr Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.