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Interview with Sulem Urbina after her come back fight vs Jhosep Vizcaino

Interview with Sulem Urbina after her come back fight vs Jhosep Vizcaino

De120 secondes : BOXE - BOXEO - BOXING

Interview with Sulem Urbina after her come back fight vs Jhosep Vizcaino

De120 secondes : BOXE - BOXEO - BOXING

46 minutes
12 août 2022
Épisode de podcast


Hi guys!  
I had the chance to have a nice chat with Sulem Urbina who fought for the first time on August 6th after a 10-month break from active boxing.  
We talked about her 2 last years of boxing (2 losses in championship fights, 1 draw, 1 win on August 6th), the break she needed to take from boxing after her rough times in the ring, and how she felt sick and depressed, her new weight category, the impact of the death of her brother Alexis on her boxing career and life, her beggining in boxing, how has women's boxing  improved compared with when she started practicing the sport, and so much more.   Sulem is a beautiful person inside and outside, and I am pretty sure she will become a world champion sooner or later.   
Enjoy, and if you like my stuff, please subscribe. linktr.ee/120secondes
12 août 2022
Épisode de podcast

Titres dans cette série (81)

Podcast 100% boxe féminine animé par Marie-Eve Albert, qui traite de l'actualité boxe de partout comme une fan de boxe qui parle de sa discipline avec passion. Je publie un épisode mensuel de podcast, en plus d'entrevues exclusives en français, en anglais ou en espagnol. Aussi dispo sur YouTube. Aboonne-toi!