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Piano concerto for the left hand (orchestral score)
Piano concerto for the left hand (orchestral score)
Piano concerto for the left hand (orchestral score)
Livre électronique96 pages

Piano concerto for the left hand (orchestral score)

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The Piano Concerto for the Left Hand in D major was composed by Maurice Ravel between 1929 and 1930, concurrently with his Piano Concerto in G major. It was commissioned by the Austrian pianist Paul Wittgenstein, who lost his right arm during World War I. The Concerto had its premiere in January 1932, with Wittgenstein as soloist performing with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra. 
Date de sortie24 déc. 2020
Piano concerto for the left hand (orchestral score)

En savoir plus sur Maurice Ravel

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    Piano concerto for the left hand (orchestral score) - Maurice Ravel

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