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600 citations de la philosophie française
600 citations de la philosophie française
600 citations de la philosophie française
Livre audio2 heures

600 citations de la philosophie française

Écrit par Voltaire, Montesquieu, Jean Jacques Rousseau et

Raconté par Patrick Blandin

Évaluation : 0 sur 5 étoiles


À propos de ce livre audio

600 citations de la philosophie française
ÉditeurSAGA Egmont
Date de sortie9 juin 2022
600 citations de la philosophie française


Voltaire was the pen name of François-Marie Arouet (1694–1778)a French philosopher and an author who was as prolific as he was influential. In books, pamphlets and plays, he startled, scandalized and inspired his age with savagely sharp satire that unsparingly attacked the most prominent institutions of his day, including royalty and the Roman Catholic Church. His fiery support of freedom of speech and religion, of the separation of church and state, and his intolerance for abuse of power can be seen as ahead of his time, but earned him repeated imprisonments and exile before they won him fame and adulation.

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