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300 citations des grands artistes du XXe siècle
300 citations des grands artistes du XXe siècle
300 citations des grands artistes du XXe siècle
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300 citations des grands artistes du XXe siècle

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À propos de ce livre audio

300 citations des grands artistes du XXe siècle
ÉditeurSAGA Egmont
Date de sortie9 juin 2022
300 citations des grands artistes du XXe siècle

George Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) was born into a lower-class family in Dublin, Ireland. During his childhood, he developed a love for the arts, especially music and literature. As a young man, he moved to London and found occasional work as a ghostwriter and pianist. Yet, his early literary career was littered with constant rejection. It wasn’t until 1885 that he’d find steady work as a journalist. He continued writing plays and had his first commercial success with Arms and the Man in 1894. This opened the door for other notable works like The Doctor's Dilemma and Caesar and Cleopatra.

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