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Art de la Guerre, L'
Art de la Guerre, L'
Art de la Guerre, L'
Livre audio1 heure

Art de la Guerre, L'

Écrit par Sun Tzu

Raconté par Cyril Godefroy

Évaluation : 4.5 sur 5 étoiles



À propos de ce livre audio

Not Yet Available
ÉditeurClub Positif
Date de sortie1 janv. 2018

Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu was a an ancient Chinese general during the latter part of the Spring and Autumn Period. Also referred to as Sunzi or Sun Wu, the great Chinese philosopher and military general was revered by many generations of Chinese leaders to come. His given military name, "Sun Tzu" translates as "master sun", and was thought to be an honorific title. It has been speculated Sun Tzu wrote The Art of War during the Warring States Period, when China was divided and war was imminent. His profound insight on military strategy and expert leadership inspired nearly all who read his work, earning him a spot in history as one of the greatest military generals of all time.

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