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Apologie de Socrate
Apologie de Socrate
Apologie de Socrate
Livre audio1 heure

Apologie de Socrate

Écrit par Plato

Raconté par LibriVox Community

Évaluation : 0 sur 5 étoiles


À propos de ce livre audio

« Je ne sais, Athéniens, quelle impression mes accusateurs ont faite sur vous. Pour moi, en les entendant, peu s’en est fallu que je ne me méconnusse moi-même, tant ils ont parlé d’une manière persuasive ; et cependant, à parler franchement, [...] ils n’ont pas dit un mot qui soit véritable ; et de ma bouche vous entendrez la vérité toute entière, ... »
(de « L'apologie de Socrate »)

How you have felt, O men of Athens, at hearing the speeches of my accusers, I cannot tell; but I know that their persuasive words almost made me forget who I was - such was the effect of them; and yet [...] they have hardly uttered a word, or not more than a word, of truth; but you shall hear from me the whole truth...
(from "Socrates' Defense" on Wikipedia)

An English version is available: The Apology of Socrates.
A German version is available: Des Sokrates Verteidigung.

Date de sortie25 août 2014
Apologie de Socrate


Plato (aprox. 424-327 BC), a student of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle, is commonly regarded as the centermost figure of Western philosophy. During the Classical period of Ancient Greece he was based in Athens where he founded his Academy and created the Platonist school of thought. His works are among the most influential in Western history, commanding interest and challenging readers of every era and background since they were composed.

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